

Hello, my name is
Caitlin Setaro.

I have completed my holistic health coaching certification at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, or  IIN, but almost more important than that is my own life experience. 

In my early 20s, I went through many changes in life (who doesn’t?)! For me, all those massive changes manifested into stress-induced dis-ease. After a trip to the ER, multiple gastroenterologist visits, blood work, endoscopy, many rounds of anti-biotics, antacids, I saw no improvement! I’d had enough. I dove into the endless information in books, websites, blogs, news articles, and anything I could find. I was on a mission to feel healthy and ALIVE again. Even with some improvement on my own it wasn’t enough. 

Luckily, I got introduced to an amazing functional medicine doctor. I have now been working with this doctor for four-plus years, actually healing my body through the food I eat, herbal supplements, vitamins, and enzymes. My life drastically improved! I was able to digest foods properly. I had identified my food sensitivities and allergies. I had more knowledge than ever about what I should be eating. If any organs weren’t functioning at their peak, my doctor would suggest a natural remedy and shortly after I would notice the discomfort was gone. If I had a cold coming on, I had a natural remedy (or ten) to solve that in no time. 

Still, something was missing. My diet is as “perfect” as it can be. I’m avoiding all the foods to which I’m sensitive. I reached out to one of my most valued friends and she told me about IIN. Wow: here was the missing link! Holistic health took into consideration other factors of life that my “perfect” diet alone could not address. 

What about my relationships? My social life? My career goals? My finances? My home environment? What stress was I under? All these factors can play an even bigger role in our health than the food we eat. My life’s biggest challenges may now be used as a map to help you navigate whatever is happening in your life. I may not have personally experienced what you are going through, but I know the real desire to change, to take control of your life. Every person deserves to feel good, and I’m overjoyed to share in your quest.



Are you tired of being sick and tired? Ready to make changes in your health and lifestyle?


Contact me today for a free no obligation consultation.

My training at IIN has given me the tools to go beyond fad diets and quick fixes. Together, we will make lasting changes in your life. Our sessions will be tailored to your individual health and lifestyle goals. There is no squeezing into a one-size-fits-all mold.



More Info About Caitlin

I follow a mainly plant-based, gluten-free, and dairy-free diet because this is how I feel my best. I still go out to eat, have drinks with my friends, and travel. EVERYTHING I eat I enjoy AND love the taste. I don’t feel deprived. I don’t count calories, carbs, or track my weight on a scale. I read all the labels of the foods I keep in my home. Ideally, all the food that goes into my body would be non-GMO, organic, and as local as possible. My main priority is feeling as good as I can right now and better every day. I strive to eat and live in a way that makes me happy, filled with energy, love, gratitude, and mental clarity.

I am not a fitness fanatic. I have never played sports. My main source of exercise throughout middle school was dance (Jazz, Tap, Hip-Hop, and Ballet). During high school, I was very sedentary. In my early 20s, I would maybe do a short workout video at home. Recently I’ve gotten into weight training and currently hold a gym membership — woohoo! It feels so good! Endorphins are real and a great antidepressant. I now have a new goal, to complete my own personal training certification. 

My healthy appearance isn’t from some unachievable fitness plan. I don’t spend hours working out every day. I am not just “lucky” or reliant on a “high metabolism”. I make choices every day to look and feel the way I do, and I can guide you towards choices that will make you look and feel better than you ever thought possible.

Relationships are a huge factor in life. Maybe you have a tribe of amazing people who will support your healthy changes or maybe you will be taking this path for yourself on your own. Either way, I believe the relationship a coach provides (motivating, inspiring, and helping to keep you accountable to your desired goals) can be the missing link to lasting change.